Name of NGO: Independent Humanitarian Services association (IHSAN)

Country of Origin: Afghanistan

Establishment Date: 1990

Organization Nature: Non-political, non-profitable and Independent and Humanitarian Aid Organization

Email Address: 



  1.             Registered with the ministry of Economy of Afghanistan under license Number (86)
  2.             Registered with UNOCHA
  3.             Granted NOC from NWFP government of Pakistan
  4.             Member of the Agency Coordination Body for Afghan Relief (ACBAR)
  5.             Member of Afghan NGO’s Coordination Bureau (ANCB) under Registration No (020)

Fields of Assistance:

  • Education,
  • Health,
  • Handicrafts,
  • Agriculture and animal husbandry,
  • training and capacity Building,
  • Irrigation,
  • Survey,
  • Emergency Relief,
  • Water supply,
  • Construction,
  • Shelter,
  • Sanitation.

IHSAN: Independent Humanitarian Services Association (IHSAN) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization working to improve the quality of Afghan families lives specially women’s and children’s through sustainable economic development program. IHSAN encourages exchange ideas and cooperation among people from different cultures and social backgrounds for adjusting its program based on Afghanistan special needs.

IHSAN strategic objectives:

  • - Improve economic independence
  • - Create jobs opportunity for women’s
  • - Support the education system
  • - Increase awareness and literacy skills
  • - Have access for high quality of health services
  • - Support Afghan women to take ownership of their life`s direction
  • - Advocate for gender equality
  • - Education (Accelerated Learning program ALP for those women’s who survivor schools and education.
  • - Child Labors

IHSAN working areas:

- Agriculture & Live hood

- Conflict Resolution

- Education

- Economic Development

- Gender

- Health

- Survey & Research

- Training & Capacity Building

- Vocational Trainings

- Home based businesses

      1. Carpet production

      2. Silk production

      3. Cleaning and Packing nuts 

      4. Aviculture and poultry

      5.Livestock industry

            1. Meat production

            2. Dairy production

            3. Healthy meat packing 

           4. Healthy dairy packing (Yogurt, milk, cheese etc)

      6. Green house

           1. greenhouse technology demonstration

           2. greenhouse`s products packing

      7. Finance& management training

      8 Driving training

      9. Cooking training

      10. Photography training

      11. Drip Irrigation

      12. Carpet weaving training Silk production training

      13. Handicraft production

IHSAN Create jobs opportunity and Finds the potential market for home-based product for women’s Technical support of business women Agriculture is the main source of income for the Afghanistan economy.

Despite the fact that only  12 percent of Afghanistan’s total land area is arable and less than 6 percent is currently cultivated, more than 80 percent of Afghanistan’s population is involved in farming, herding or both.

IHSAN is helping Afghanistan revitalize its agricultural sector through a variety of activities aimed to strengthen the capacity of the Afghan government, rebuild agricultural markets, and improve management of natural resources.


The last 30 years of war, repressive regimes, drug fiefdoms, heavily armed militia and corrupt governance have destroyed the physical infrastructure and left the population in disarray. However, the Afghans specially women’s have several things going for them. They are tired of war, they have had enough of Taliban rule, and they maintain a national identity and are striving to promote development and education.

IHSAN provide teachers with practical techniques for the delivery of curriculum content, classroom management and dealing with stress.

Vocational training:

There is a huge need for training opportunities for young women’s in Afghanistan. The more vocational colleges, training vacancies and jobs that are created in the country over the coming decades, the easier it will be to integrate young women’s in particular into the social and economic life of Afghanistan.

IHSAN is working to improve the living and economic condition of beneficiaries specially women to enable them to effectively meet their personal and their family’s needs and become self-sufficient.

To contribute to the above the following specific objectives, IHSAN focused on Train youth (male + female) in various market-oriented skills.


Afghanistan’s health system is among the very poorest in the world. Saving lives in Afghanistan depends on having health workers in the field and sufficient medical supplies, as well as food, shelter and security. But the gap in material and human resources is great. IHSAN is advocating to increase access to the highest level of health care for all human. 

IHSAN working on improving the technical capacity of health workers through conducting in-service training, monitoring and mentorship the quality of services.

  1. 1. Public health training
  2. 2. Fistula prevention training
  3. 3. Quality assurance program
  4. 4. Safe motherhood campaign
  5. 5. In-service training for health worker
  6. 6. Sexually Transmitted Infections prevention training (STIs)


Gender-based violence (GBV), and in particular sexual violence, is a serious, life-threatening protection issue primarily affecting women and children.

IHSAN has aim to support Afghan women to take ownership of their life`s direction.

  1. 1. Awareness campaign against early/child marriages
  2. 2. Advocating for gender and health quality service delivery
  3. 3. Awareness campaign on Gender equality for design making
  4. 4. Gender- based violence training
  5. 5. Gender and reproductive health
  6. 6. Minimum Initial Service Package training

Conflict resolution:

1. Awareness of people about the impact of the conflict and remaining deadly land mines and unexploded ordnance daily adds victims both through physical injury and mental stress, affecting every family in Afghanistan. Awareness raising at different levels of society and public institutions (communities, community leaders, civil society organizations, and authorities) about human rights, good governance and rule of law Providing assistance to the victims of human rights abuses through the provision of free legal aid, defence lawyers, seeking local community-based solutions, etc; Advocacy with government, donors, and UN agencies for the reforms in the judicial and justice system delivery.

Training & Capacity Building:

- Communication and marketing skills training for business women

- Leadership development program

- Quality assurance program

- Mentorship

- Self-sustainability


IHSAN was originated and set up in 1990 started it strive and effort toward alleviation and mitigation of inducted catastrophe and other misery in Afghanistan without hesitation by implementation of some projects donated by some funding agencies and other Aid Agencies for Afghanistan.

IHSAN has successfully implemented and vanquish on projects with due confirmation of funding agency, government and community.

As an afghan impartial and active NGO, IHSAN has been implementing projects in different sectors funded by variety of donor agencies such as UNHCR, WFP, UNOCHA, CARE international, IRC, HNI, Japan Embassy and etc. IHSAN will be available and prepared to any donor agency that is enthusiast to contribute or partake for relief and rehabilitation of Afghanistan.

The forenamed NGO is the owner of full ability and sufficient capability of management and implementation outlook, having started its direct appearance for cooperation and aid to Afghan needy people in the sectors of Construction, Agricultural, Irrigation, Income generation and Emergency relief programs since 1990.

Stand and lawful position As an implementation agency IHSAN would be making it-self avail and on hand to all donor Agencies, Governmental and non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) who aspire to contribute on rehabilitation and development of Afghanistan. All strategies, activities back ground and any prerequisite action pertaining financial, managerial, constructions will be done on due impartially, non-profitable and non-political stage.

IHSAN has the privilege to work anywhere inside Afghanistan based on requirement and request of the community.

Registration background:

IHSAN as an active afghan Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) having been registered with ministry of Economic Roll # 86,

Agency Coordination Body for Afghan Relief (ACBAR),

Agency coordination Bureau (ANCB),

Ministry of Refugees, Ministry of Education and etc.